Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Out in Healdsburg

The weather here has been so nice lately. I think it was around 80 degrees this day, which is GREAT since it's almost November. We fed the babies downtown and people watched. Fun Day!!


  1. The Miss always seems to study things, like in the picture of her with the leaf. The Mister, on the other hand, is in his own world which happens to be at the moment, the pain of his tooth coming through his gums. Poor Mister!

  2. Well--- I think the babies, the Mommy, and the Daddy are adorable!!!


  3. I hope both Grandmas have taken note of the new things I have taught Maxwell...pulling himself up and pointing. I told you there would be more tricks to come!! Ha Ha!

  4. Jennie,
    Oh brother! We all know that he is doing these things because he is soooooooo smart, like both of his grandmas.

  5. So sorry Auntie Jennie but I have to go with the other soooooo smart Grandma on this one!

