Saturday, February 21, 2009

Even Pig is Pitchin In

Taken care of twins sure is tough work, but even Piggie has stepped up to the plate and is helping out. What would we do without her! Actually piggie has been great around the babies. We always worried about how she would react when the babies arrived, but she seems to not mind at all.


  1. Omg! Thats adorable!! What a good big sis piggie is:). Glad to see you all got home safely. hope your enjoying every min with those beautiful babies
    Take care

  2. Do you think that Piggy was dreaming about babies when you took that picture?

  3. That is an adorable picture :) Congratulations on your twins !

  4. What a good puppy you've got there! She looks like their nanny. It so good to see everyone is doing so well. Your babies are severly adorable! I'm so happy for you all.

  5. Glad to see Piggie loves the babies. It was so neat to see our dog baby loving our baby.

  6. Hi Carisa! I found your blog through Kristy's. Congratulations on your new babies! So exciting. They are beautiful. I hope you're doing well and adjusting to life as a mom. Take care!

    Sara (Scheffer) Parsons
