Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Andersen Tree is Up!!!!!

Ian got the easy job of carrying the tree

A little miss break

Daddy's little helper

Mom made us wear our Christmas pajamas

This is the best picture of Maxwell we could get after stopping him from going after the tree 1000 times.

I call this present.....

....This one too!

These are all mine. I touched them first!

Sweet little Piper

The finished product


  1. What adorable pictures. They do not come any cuter.

  2. Donna

    What a wonderful family! I was glad Maxwell could wear his sweater and is that Darth Vader hanging on your tree now? Oh, lucky you!

  3. That tree sure does look good now...that is before midder gets his hands on it again. Lock the gates!!!! Ha Ha! The miss would never get into the tree...its just so pretty like her!

  4. They are so darn CUTE!!!! I love their Christmas PJ's!!! What a Merry Christmas it will be!!!!!!!!

  5. Very cute! I can't even imagine having to deal with babies getting into tree and presents at their stage...sounds like very busy days!
