Thursday, May 7, 2009

Babies and Bumbos

Tonight we took the twins to Babies R Us and picked up a few things to entertain them. We got two Bumbo seats, a jumperoo, a mobile, and a few other things. I must admit it's really nice having them old enough to be able to entertain themselves with the help of a few toys! Both Maxwell and Piper loved to sit up on their own like big boys and girls in their Bumbo chairs! Their poor little heads are still a little bobble head like, but they sure were cute sitting there. Yay for Babies R Us!!!!


  1. So cute! I have a bumbo too!:)

  2. Oh my goodness, those babies are too cute. I wish I lived closer to be able to see them on a regular basis. I miss you all.

  3. that post was by Kathy
