Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Twins are Now 3 Months Old!

That's right, the babies are getting older. I'm so happy that we have made it this far already. They are making some major progress lately. Piper slept ALL night for the past two nights! I can't believe it, I'm hoping she will continue that. Maxwell is only getting up once at night now for the most part. He's a big eater, so I think it may be a few more weeks or even longer before he is sleeping through the night. Our little Miss Priss Piper has reflux issues and is now on Prevacid. I really think it is making a difference because it is now a lot easier to feed her. A few other things that have been nice as of the last few weeks is that they are now a little happier, napping a little better, eating better, and just easier to handle in general. Thank God! Here are a few pictures from the last few days......


  1. Wow! 3 months!!! The are getting so big and cuter by the day:)
    Glad to hear your getting more sleep:)

  2. I can't believe they are already 3 months old. It just gets easier and easier. Glad Piper is on reflux medicine and doing better.

  3. I think they are extra cute because they are sitting on my lap!!! I just love those guys so much. I love the size difference too. You can really tell in these pictures side by side. Too funny!
