Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We're Off to Charlotte!

We are scheduled to fly out tommorrow from San Francisco to Charlotte. We have been running around like mad people scrambling to get everything ready to go.

Our bags are fully packed and we are now officially ready to leave. We are sad because we dropped our Piggy off this afternoon at the kennel. She will be there until we get back. We will pick her up again after we have been back here with the babies for a few days. Poor piggy, she doesn't know that her home will never be the same.

I am sad to say one item that I will greatly miss would not fit in our luggage. Hey we all make sacrifices!!!


  1. Good luck with tht birth of your twins. Poor puppy! They adjust. My boys love my son. They play so well together.

  2. Poor Piggie!!!
    We are sooo excited for you!!

    The White's

  3. It's finally time for you to meet your precious babies. We can't wait to see their tiny little faces. We'll be praying for a smooth transition and safe and healthy delivery. I know your emotions and thoughts are going a hundred miles a minute and I can't imagine all that you two are feeling. Know that we're praying for you and we love you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

  4. Piggie does have no exciting that you are entering this new chapter of your lives. I will be praying for both of you and your babies...I so wish that I could be there! Just enjoy every moment!

  5. We are so happy for you now that you are a family of Four!! Oh plus two furry family members, Kitty and Piggy. We could never forget them.

    I am so glad that you can finally hold two budles of Joy! Now the wonderful world of parenting with memories that will last you a life time. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy! It goes by way to fast!
    Love, Linda and Jerry

  6. I just found your blog. Congrats on your beautiful babies! My husband and I are looking for a gestational surrogate and we are in NC. Could you help connect us to your surrogate if she is still helping families? My email address is Thank you so much! -Nisha Coffey
